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Labor Unions and Strikes
Labor Unions and Strikes
A working class hero: Bill Roberts remembers the life of the „best-known Teamster rebel.“ (Heinz Leitner)
Artikel vom 15. Februar 2014 -
Labor Unions and Strikes
Syed Zia-Ullah Azam: Pakistan’s Energy Crisis – Country Report by All Pakistan Federation of United Trade Unions
Artikel vom 12. Februar 2014PAKISTAN
Energy shortages are hobbling the economy and contributing to unrest. But the country has options.Pakistan is in the midst of one of the worst energy crises in its history. This is both slowing the pace of economic activity and causing public unrest with prolonged outages of electricity and gas. Capacity utilization in some key industries has fallen to nearly 50 percent. Worst affected is […] -
Labor Unions and Strikes
Abayomi Azikiwe: South African platinum strike continues amid threats of more layoffs (Heinz Leitner)
Labor Unions and Strikes
Leonard Gentle: Forging a New Movement: NUMSA and the Shift in SA Politics (Heinrich Leitner)
Labor Unions and Strikes
Abayomi Azikiwe: South Africa struggles continue in platinum mines (Heinz Leitner)
Artikel vom 24. Januar 2014http://www.workers.org/articles/2014/01/23/south-africa-struggles-continue-platinum-mines/
Labor Unions and Strikes
RCIT: Theses on Revolutionary Trade Union Policy
Artikel vom 21. Januar 2014 -
Labor Unions and Strikes
RCIT: Cambodia – Long Live the Heroic Struggle of the Textile Workers!
Artikel vom 19. Januar 2014http://www.thecommunists.net/worldwide/asia/cambodian-textile-workers-struggle/
Labor Unions and Strikes
Samantha Valente: USA – Maximum lies about the minimum wage (Heinz Leitner)
Artikel vom 28. November 2013http://socialistworker.org/2013/01/22/lies-about-the-minimum-wage
Labor Unions and Strikes
Nicole Colson: USA – Hungry for a living wage (Heinz Leitner)
Artikel vom 28. November 2013http://socialistworker.org/2013/11/27/hungry-for-a-living-wage
Labor Unions and Strikes
Doro Chiba (Japan) & KCTU (South Corea): Tokyo – Reinstate Fired Rail Workers! Overthrow Abe!
Artikel vom 18. November 20135,600-strong March through Downtown Tokyo
Reinstate Fired Rail Workers! Overthrow Abe!
Strong Solidarity between Doro-Chiba and KCTU against Neoliberalism
International Labor Solidarity Committee of Doro-ChibaOn November 3, All-out National Workers Rally for the reinstatement of 1,047 dismissed national railway workers took place in Tokyo, followed by a street demonstration.
Doro-Chiba’s 26-year struggle against the Division and Privatization of National Railway has acquired a dimension, on which anti-labor […] -
Labor Unions and Strikes
LabourStart: Colombian trade unionist murdered, others face immediate risk
Artikel vom 14. November 2013http://us2.campaign-archive2.com/?u=f3995b46c18cb039818f29a32&id=34c45c3f5b&e=209d7ce4c8
Labor Unions and Strikes
South African miners struggles (Heinz Leitner)
Artikel vom 12. November 2013South African miners continue job actions
Abayomi Azikiwe: South African miners demand higher wages
http://www.workers.org/articles/2013/11/10/south-african-miners-demand-higher-wages/ -
Labor Unions and Strikes
Ali Saeed / Saudi Arabia: Inhuman treatment for illegal workers (Heinz Leitner)
Artikel vom 11. November 2013http://www.lavoixduyemen.com/en/2013/05/19/inhuman-treatment-for-illegal-workers/3157/
Labor Unions and Strikes
Catta Linotto: Marches, strikes hit austerity in Portugal, Italy (Heinz Leitner)
Artikel vom 5. November 2013http://www.workers.org/articles/2013/11/03/marches-strikes-hit-austerity-portugal-italy/
Labor Unions and Strikes
Airport Workers Protest Poverty Wages For Contracted Workers (Heinz Leitner)
Artikel vom 5. November 2013SEIU: Airport Workers Protest Poverty Wages For Contracted Workers At Airlines‘ Shareholders Meeting
http://www.prnewswire.com/news-releases/32bj-seiu-airport-workers-protest-poverty-wages-for-contracted-workers-at-airlines-shareholders-meeting-215249241.htmlSoaring Poverty at the Philadelphia International Airport How Low Wage Airport Jobs Keep Philadelphia #1 For Poverty
This is why airport poverty won’t fly
… But right now, airport workers across the country are standing up. People like Alex Hoopes, who made $21 an hour as a union baggage handler back in 2005. […]