deportation from belgium to bulgarie of a Aghan boy (until Monday, October 27th) C.G.

Date: Thu, 23 Oct 2014 20:06:40 +0100
From: eveline

A few people  are detained in Belgium and the authorities want to deportate them to Bulgarie (Dublin).

An Afghan, boy will be deportate this monday

So a few questions

To people in Bulgarie: Can you do something for this Afgahn man who will be deprted in Bulg

What is the situation there?

And for everybody: Is there an argument to prevent deportation to Bulgarie

 Getting the Voice Out | Centres fermés en Belgique

 Text for Amin Niazi

Amin Niazi is Afghan, on October 27th 8.50 a.m, he will experiment his second deportation attempt to Sofia, Bulgaria.
He doesn’t want to return neither to Bulgaria nor to Afghanistan.
He is asking for our help to go and speak to the passengers of the flight and support him in his fight against his deportation.

Flight details: 
Take off at 8.50 a.m terminal 2, Bulgaria Air 

His testimony:

„I arrived in Bulgaria in June 2014 after fleeing Afghanistan. The border police arrested me. They took me to jail. They beat me and left me under the rain for two days, without giving me anything to eat. It was cold. I was sick but they didn’t bring me to a doctor.
They were really aggressive, they were treating human beings like animals. They told me „if you want asylum here, ask for it, otherwise we’ll send you back to Afghanistan.“ They beat me and took my fingerprints under coercion. I didn’t want to stay in Bulgaria. I remained in prison for 17 days, then they released me with a temporary residence permit but they took my money, my phone, my clothes and they did not give me housing nor food. I could not afford to stay there, hence I went to see a courier so that he could send me to another country, and I came to Belgium to ask for help. But now, I’m in a closed centre here in Belgium. If they send me back to Bulgaria they will beat me and imprison me. They will not give me any place to live, no food, no papers, nothing! My life will be a pure disaster.
Even worse, if they send me back to Afghanistan, my life will be in danger, and if I come back to Europe by illegal means, I might die or be seriously injured!
If you refuse my asylum request here in Belgium, I am OK to go to another country, but please, don’t send me back to Bulgaria or Afghanistan !“

Let’s meet at the airport on 27/10/2014 at 7 a.m. to warn the passengers of their rights and duties, and to support Amin!

Come on, let go! send faxes and emails to protest against all these deadly deportation flights! Act very fast this Friday otherwise the offices will be closed!

Bulgaria air
TEL : 0032 2 753 2016
FAX : 0032 2 753 2017

 Contact in Sofia

Tel: (+359) 2 402 04 00


– Monsieur M. F. Roosemont, Directeur de l’Office des Etrangers :