refugee freedom march ends with violent arrest by israeli police forces (Heinz Leitner)

refugee freedom march ends with violent arrest by israeli police forces

 Veröffentlicht am 18.12.2013

the despicable Israeli police mocks one of the refugees who breaks down crying during the violent arrest, at the end of a two day freedom march by refugees who left the new „open prison“ towards the Israeli Knesset, demanding their rights as humans and refugees

see more here…
photo report by Activestills…


Immigration officers arrest asylum seekers on second ‚March for Freedom‘

For the second time this week, 130 asylum seekers leave the Holot ‘open’ prison facility in southern Israel, march through the desert in an attempt to move their demonstration to a major city. This time around, immigration officers stopped the march shortly after it began. The asylum seekers are protesting their detention conditions and the arrest of their comrades in the previous march.


Elisabeth Tsurkov: Knesset passes revised law for detention of African asylum seekers