Free Mumia de, 20.2.2013: Mumia Interview in der L’humanité


in Frankreich beschäftigen sich auch größere Medien mit dem Fall von
Mumia Abu-Jamal und der notwendigen Neuaufnahme seines Verfahrens. In
der englischsprachigen Presseschau von Radio France International (rfi)
vom 15. Februar wird u.a. der Leitartikel der L`humanité vorgestellt:

„… L’humanité dedicated its top story to an exclusive interview with
Mumia Abu Jamal, an African-American journalist fighting for his
freedom. He has been in jail since 1982, convicted of murdering a
policeman. He has always denied the crime. Initially sentenced to death,
it was changed to a life sentence in 2011 after an international campaign.

As a journalist, he was known for speaking out against corruption among
police and local authorities. He has continued to write books and read
avidly during his time in prison. There are suggestions that, with a
number of police officers admitting to giving false witness accounts
during his first trail, that the case could be reopened.

L’humanité writes that Abu Jamal’s fight has become a symbol for the
abolition of the death penalty. Asked how he continues to work as a
journalist in prison, he said that 2,200 inmates means there are 2,200
stories to be told. When asked about the massive technological changes
the world has witnessed during his incarceration, he said he feels like
a dinosaur. Despite everything, he said he feels like he is always
surrounded by love. “

Das französische Interview in der L’humanité vom 14. Februar 2013 findet
ihr hier:

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