Heinz Leitner: Dubai’s ruler pardons himself

An: vienna@mofa.gov.ae / emirates@aon.at


United Arab Emirates Embassy in Vienna, Austria
Peter-Jordan-Strasse 66
1190 Wien

Dear Ambassador Mohamad Hamad Omran Alshami,

Some of my female friends want to spend holiday inDubai.

I am quite sceptical on news that inDubaia woman who reports being raped can be sentenced to over a year of time in prison for „engaging in extramarital relations.“, and that inDubaithe alleged rapist can only be convicted of rape by the confession of the perpetrator or by the testimony of four male witnesses.

Dear Ambassador, this is why I am asking you as a concerned male Austrian citizen whether this unbelievable story is true, and if there is any hope that His Highness Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum will pardon my decent friends for the “crime being raped” in case this will happen to them by males in Dubai during their holiday? In case the story is true: What are the reasons whyDubai sides with male rapist against women? AreDubai males not man enough to have to rely on the government’s protection for inhumane and unmanly behaviour? I do not think that the protection of rapists was the intention of Prophet Mohammed, frankly speaking.

Does it often happen that the male perpetrator and four of his friends repent and will report the rape to the police so it won’t be necessary to implore His Highness’s mercy? – Is there any travel alert for females of you government?


Heinz Leitner, Vienna

PS This is the news to which I refer:

Dubai’s ruler pardons himself

No need for reform as rape case woman is ‚forgiven‘

There is no need to change anything. Women who dare to complain about being raped will continue being sent to jail, with the possibility of „forgiveness“ in some cases (mostly involving westerners) where adverse publicity threatens to damageDubai’s image or its international relations.

Western governments are complicit in this too. Where rich Gulf autocrats are concerned they bend over backwards to avoid upsetting them….

