Kenny Zulu Whitmore: Welcome – This is the first Spotlight on Zulu, an email-newsletter to keep you updated on our friend, comrade, brother Zulu (Heinz Leitner)

Welcome – This is the first Spotlight on Zulu, an email-newsletter to keep you updated on our friend, comrade, brother Zulu.


Via [] They can kill a revolutionary, but never the revolution

Zulu wrote a text to be read out at the Memorial service of Herman Hooks Wallace. We want to share it with you all:

From Zulu:

The untimely death of my beloved Comrade, Herman Hooks Wallace, has left an emptiness in my heart. He wasn’t just my Brother, Friend, Comrade & Mentor. Hooks was a man I love and respected. And I will miss his teaching.

But why lying here feeling sorry for myself? I could hear his voice in my inner ear saying: “Zulu, enough mourning, you must continue this mission, to expose this system of corruption! There are far too many serving endless sentences on false charges. Too many brothers and sisters languishing in the nation’s dungeons and in solitary confinement. Zulu! They can kill a revolutionary, but never the revolution. I live on within you, Albert, and King, my Comrades.”

You know he would be right. I vow from this day forward to do whatever I can to expose this injustice. My People, I am a tough old elephant. I am going to be alright. Forward forever, backwards never.

Kenny Zulu Whitmore

Oct, 2013


Posted By LaLa to <>  at 11/11/2013 04:03:00 AM