KMU, 20.2.2013: Solidarity with the Feb. 20-21 General Strike of the Workers and People of India

The Philippines’ genuine, militant and anti-imperialist labor center Kilusang Mayo Uno expresses its warmest solidarity with the workers and people of India who are holding their February 20-21 general strike against attacks on workers’ and peoples’ rights and livelihood and against imperialist globalization.

We salute all workers and trade union centers in India for forging a broad unity and launching this militant protest in defense of workers’ and peoples’ rights and livelihood. This protest is a good occasion to educate the masses of workers and peoples in their millions about the root cause of these attacks – imperialism and reactionary regimes subervient to it.Many of the attacks being faced by the workers and peoples of the world today stem from the neoliberal policies implemented by imperialism and its allied regimes since the 1970s, when the crisis of overproduction again came to the fore. The neoliberal policies, however, merely further intensified the crisis of overproduction and accelerated the latter’s eruption while further enriching the imperialists.

We are now facing the worst crisis seen by the world capitalist system since the Great Depression of the 1930s. This is an eruption of the crisis of overproduction endemic to the imperialist system and is worsening hunger, poverty and suffering across the world. The imperialists and their allies, however, continue to cling to implementing their neoliberal policies. They bailed out the big banks and corporations when the crisis erupted and are now passing the burden of the crisis onto the backs of the workers and peoples of the world through various means.

As a result, the workers and peoples of underdeveloped countries like India and the Philippines are going from the frying pan directly to the fire.

Let us continue to arouse, organize and mobilize the masses of workers and peoples in their millions to fight for their immediate interests – for a significant wage hike, provision of benefits, regular employment, free exercise of trade-union rights, as well as decent housing, accessible health care and other social services, land reform and the upholding of rights against repression and militarization.

We are called upon, more importantly, to arouse, organize and mobilize the masses of workers in their millions for fundamental social change – for national independence, democracy and socialism in our respective countries. We are called upon to fight, expose and eradicate the causes of attacks on our rights and livelihood and to create a new world where the workers and the toiling masses hold political power and wield it in order to advance their interests.

Long live the workers and people of India!
Long live the General Strike of Feb. 20-21!
Long live workers’ unity for militant action!
Down with attacks on workers’ and peoples’ rights and livelihood!
Down with imperialism and all reactionaries!