m: Refugee riot in Békéscsaba

dear all,

 As we know, in Hungary, most asylum seekers are kept imprisoned in closed camps under constant threat of deportation and without the chance of a fair asylum procedure. In one of these camps, Békéscsaba, in November 2013, around 200 asylum seekers rose up in protest against their unjust detention, the inhuman conditions of the camps, and all deportations.We are sending you an article that contains the eyewitness account from the riot. The uprising (that happened after the

hungerstrike) did’t get many media attention . Still we find it important to let people know what happened. so with the person who gave the testimony we want to spread the article and with it the spirit of resistance of the migrants, detained in hungarys asylum-prisons.

Please publish it, forward it, translate it- spread the testimony – or parts of it- in your channels.

 solidary greetings



Refugee riot in Békéscsaba (docx)