Justice for Lynne Stewart: Emergency Alert – Bitte unterzeichen! Please sign and share!

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Some background information on Lynne

Justice for Lynne Stewart


Will they let her die in jail?


Compassionate Release for Lynne NOW! – Free Lynne NOW!

 – Yes, WE can. –

Solidarity Without Borders – Solidarité sans frontières – Solidaridad Sin Fronteras – Solidarität ohne Grenzen


Sign petition at IACenter.org/LynneStewartPetition or at LynneStewart.org




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 International Action Center – iacenter.org <http://www.iacenter.org/>

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 May 30 – A PHONE CALL TO SAVE LYNNE STEWART’S LIFE Please take a minute this Thurs, May 30 to make at least one phone call for Lynne, or keep calling all day. Your calls will have an impact.

Add your voice urging immediate Compassionate Release for imprisoned human rights attorney Lynne Stewart who is suffering with Stage 4 cancer in her lungs, chest and lymph nodes. Lynne needs immediate specialized medical care.


 **CALL: Attorney General Eric Holder – 1 202 514 2001

 White House President Obama – 1 202 456 1414

 Federal Bureau of Prisons – Director Charles Samuels – 1 202 307

3198 ext 3**

 **Please click here to sign or re-sign the petition <http://iacenter.org/LynneStewartPetition>

 for compassionate release for Lynne Stewart. Keep the pressure on!


 **Here is the call from Ralph Pointer and Lynne Stewart:**

 Lynne Stewart In Grave Danger

 /Just last week the warden of Carswell FCI agreed to forward the compassionate release petition to the DOJ. The time to increase the heat is now./

 *Dear Friends and Supporters:*

 One month ago I made a request for compassionate release which was honored by the warden at Carswell Federal Medical Center. Today the papers are still on a desk in Washington, D.C. even though the terminal cancer that I have contracted requires expeditious action.

 * *

 * **Although I requested immediate action by the Bureau of Prisons, I find it necessary to again request immediate action from you, my friends, comrades and supporters to call the three numbers listed below on Thursday, May 30 and request action on my behalf.*

 *This could result in my being able to access medical treatment at Sloan Kettering so that I can face the rest of my life with dignity surrounded by those I love and who love me.*

 * **Please do this.*

 *Yours truly*

 *Lynne Stewart FMS CARSWELL-53504-054*

 *& Ralph Poynter*

 *Lynne Stewart Defense Organization*

 CALL: Attorney General Eric Holder – 1 202 514 2001

 White House President Obama – 1 202 456 1414

 Federal Bureau of Prisons – Director Charles Samuels – 1 202 307

3198 ext 3

Please click here to sign or re-sign the petition <http://iacenter.org/LynneStewartPetition>

 for compassionate release for Lynne Stewart. Keep the pressure on!

 Over 12,000 and counting have signed the petition! Please add your voice!

 If you have already signed the petition, please write a letter. They have the power to release Lynne now and must be encouraged to do so.

Please write to:

Mr. Charles E. Samuels, Jr., Director

 Federal Bureau of Prisons 320 First Street, NW Washington, DC 20534

Re: Lynne Irene Stewart, #53504-054 Compassionate Release

 District Judge John G. Koelte

 United States Courthouse 500 Pearl St. New York, NY 10007-1312 Re:

Lynne Irene Stewart, #53504-054 Compassionate Release

 Compassion demands that Lynne Stewart be released immediately from prison so she and her family can fight for her life. Lynne Stewart, is political prisoner and a renowned human rights lawyer who is currently serving a ten year sentence at FMC Carswell TX.

 For more information and latest updates, go to LynneStewart.org <http://www.lynnestewart.org/>

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 International Action Center

 c/o Solidarity Center

 New Address:

 147 W. 24th St. 2nd Fl.

 New York, NY 10011

 212-633-6646 <tel:212-633-6646>



 www.iacenter.org <http://www.iacenter.org/>




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Dear comrades and friends,

Bring Lynne Stewart Home UPDATE & Next Steps

This week there have been enormous developments in the worldwide campaign to gain compassionate release for imprisoned people’s lawyer Lynne Stewart. The wheels are beginning to turn. We must redouble all efforts!

Please click here to sign or re-sign the petition for compassionate release for Lynne Stewart. Keep the pressure on!




Just last week the warden of Carswell FCI agreed to forward the compassionate release petition to the DOJ. The time to increase the heat is now.

Dear Friend,

Imagine, you are 74 years old, wearing ten pounds of shackles from ankle to ankle, up to your hands and around your waist, while traveling on a prison bus to get chemotherapy for stage four lung cancer treatment. The odds of beating this type of cancer are very bad; they get a whole lot worse in a Texas prison.

Lynne Stewart’s spirit is strong but the chemotherapy has made her weak. Her life is in grave danger, and she needs your help. As Lynne herself quipped “Well, getting old ain’t for sissies nor is chemo.”


Sign The Petition!  












Lynne Stewart In Grave DangerPlease Post Widely

for compassionate release for Lynne Stewart. Keep the pressure on!∓