„North Carolina Burning“ (2:12)

Here is  „North Carolina Burning“ (2:12) re Moral Mondays Mp3 by Mumia Abu-Jamal

 We also want to remind you of this series of 1 minute  for use during Black History Month. I’m enclosing one sample – the profile of Harriet Tubman.

Each piece is about a minute and there are profiles of:

Harriet Tubman http://archive.prisonradio.org/harriet_tubman.htm

Chinua Achebe http://archive.prisonradio.org/chinua_achebe.htm

Albizu Campos http://archive.prisonradio.org/albizu_campos.htm

Moses Fleetwood Walker http://archive.prisonradio.org/moses_fleetwood_walker.htm

Billie Holiday http://archive.prisonradio.org/billy_holliday.htm

Tupac Shakur http://archive.prisonradio.org/tupac_shakur.htm

C.L.R. James http://archive.prisonradio.org/clr_james.htm

William Parker http://archive.prisonradio.org/william_parker.htm

Gonzalo Beltran http://archive.prisonradio.org/gonzalo_aguirre_beltran.htm

Shirley Chisholm http://archive.prisonradio.org/shirley_chisholm.htm

Huey Newton http://archive.prisonradio.org/huey_newtwon%20.htm

Osborne Anderson http://archive.prisonradio.org/osborne_anderson%20.htm

Black Women of the Pen http://archive.prisonradio.org/black_women_cons.htm

Kathleen Cleaver http://archive.prisonradio.org/audio/mumia/2009MAJ/02Feb09/2-9-09CleaverBlackWomenFinalMAJ-HKR.mp3

For higher quality AIFF files please email us and we will send them to you. 


P.S. If you listen and are inspired, help Prison Radio continue to bring these amazing voices to the airwaves.  Your assistance is key.  Please join us as a donor and a sustainer.  


One time gifts and recurring gifts are welcome.

Luchando por la justicia y la libertad,

Noelle Hanrahan, P.I.
Prison Radio 


415-706-5222 cell (email is best)

215-535-3757 studio 

PO Box 411074

San Francisco, CA 94141
