Ramona Africa, 30.1.12: Mumia had his first contact visit in general population with his wife(nattyreb,1.2.12)

Datum: Mittwoch, 01. Februar 2012 01:19




Sent: 1/31/2012 2:13:02 P.M. Eastern Standard Time

 ONA MOVE, LONG LIVE JOHN AFRICA!!!  Mumia had his first contact visit in general population, yesterday Monday 1/30, with his wife, Wadiya.  The next step is to bring him home but we should celebrate the victories and use these victories to motivate us to keep working, keep pushing and NEVER GIVE IN.  We have done a great job—-LONG LIVE REVOLUTION—–Ramona


  Von: „MUMIA ABU-JAMAL“ < >

Betreff: !*

 Wadiya A Jamal, (Mumia‘ wife) Messages from General Population

 Datum: Sonntag, 29. Jänner 2012 20:30

 From R. Wolkenstein


 I just received a call from my beloved husband who is now out of Administrative Custody and in general population at SCI Mahanoy. He is relieved after being in these solitary torture chambers for over 30 years. He can’t wait to face and embrace me, his wife, and his children and grandchildren. The next moment is for him to be released from the belly of the beast. He is surprised at how many men are in these prison cells–black, white, hispanic.   He said he’s been shown a lot of love, from the others in population. We need to bring Mumia, and all the other men, home!

 Mumia said he wanted to see me as soon as possible, to come up tomorrow, Sunday, a visiting day. But the prison won’t let me visit until Monday.

 Wadiya A Jamal, with BIG pride.

 Mumia’s Message to Supporters in call from General Population, SCI Mahanoy to his wife, Wadiya Jamal:

 My dear friends, brothers and sisters — I want to thank you for your real hard work and support. I am no longer on death row, no longer in the hole, I’m in population. This is only part one and I thank you all for the work you’ve done. But the struggle is for freedom!  From Mumia and Wadiya, Ona Move. Long Live John Africa!


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