Rangel/McKinney call for Investigation for Mumia! (nattyreb)

Datum: Sonntag, 21. Juni 2009 22:28

Send positivity to Sis. Cynthia McKinney as she has embarked on yetanother courageous mission to Gaza, stay up to date for word of anyemergency needs that may arise via any of her networks!:http://www.livestream.com/dignityhttp://dignity.ning.com/http://www.twitter.com/dignityactionhttp://www.myspace.com/dignityactionhttp://www.myspace.com/runcynthiarunhttp://www.twitter.com/cynthiamckinneyhttp://www.facebook.com/CynthiaMcKinney


via: Hans Bennett Former US Congresswoman Cynthia McKinney, and current U.S. CongressmanCharles Rangel, who is chairman of the House Committee on Ways andMeans, have both released their open letters to US Attorney GeneralHolder, calling for a federal civil rights investigation into the caseof Mumia Abu-Jamal. Actions are being organized throughout the summer to support thecampaign for a federal civil rights investigation, including at theupcoming NAACP convention in New York City, July 11-16. Organizers arefocusing particularly on July 13, the day that Attorney General Holderwill address the convention.

Supporters will then be in Washington,D.C., on July 22 to lobby their elected officials and, in mid-September, they’ll return to Washington, D.C., for a major pressconference.For more information on how you can support the campaignfor a federal civil rights investigation and to sign the online letterand petition to Attorney General Holder, visit: http://freemumia.com/civilrights.html For more information on the campaign for the civil rightsinvestigation, please read this week’s SF Bay View Newspaper article: http://www.sfbayview.com/2009/citing-withheld-evidence-supporters-of-mumia-abu-jamal-call-for-civil-rights-investigation/

Read the open letters from Charles Rangel: http://freemumia.com/rangel.gif 

Cynthia McKinney: http://www.phillyimc.org/en/cynthia-mckinneys-open-letter-attorney-general-holder-re-mumia-abu-jamal