RSF: Hezbollah no ‘terrorist’ organisation!

Statement by the Republican Sinn Féin International Relations Department 

The blacklisting of Hezbollah as a ‘terrorist organisation’ by the EU has been condemned by Republican Sinn Féin. In a statement RSF International Spokesperson Dieter Blumenfeld said by putting Hezbollah on the EU-terrorlist, the EU-members once again follow the US-Israel-agenda in the Middle East and blocking the way for a democratic and federal solution of the conflicts in Lebanon, Syria and the Middle East.

In a statement issued to media outlets in Europe on July 27, Dieter Blumenfeld, International Spokesperson of Republican Sinn Féin said: “Hezbollah is no terrorist organisation but a legitimate peoples movement. They play both an important social role in Lebanon and a very progressive role in defending the Arabic people and the minorities against Imperialist and Zionist aggression. The huge support the get from the people in Lebanon, Syria and all over the Arabic world proves their analyses and politics as correctly.

“By putting Hezbollah on the EU-terrorlist, the EU members follow the Imperialist and Zionist agenda of blacklisting and demonising all progressive movement in the Middle East and world-wide. We as Irish Republicans know this situation all too well. The Irish Republican Movement stands for the same democratic rights once the progressive revolutions of America, France and Russia held up high, though for decades Irish republican organisations are on these terrorlists of the EU, the UN and the US State Department.

“By proscribing Republican Sinn Féin as a ‘Foreign Terrorist Organisation’ and refusing our former President and Patron Ruairí Ó Brádaigh entering the United States, it has been proven that all these organisations and states show no real interest in a democratic and lasting solution of the Irish conflict.

“The same happens with Hezbollah these days. Hezbollah is no terrorist organisations but a progressive people’s movement that is forced to take up arms to defend their people against Imperialist and Zionist aggressions. The whole episode once again shows that we as Irish Republicans cannot wait to see the EU or UN standing up for Irish Unity. All these events are in vain. What history told us is that only the international people’s struggle will lead to a lasting and just solution of the national, democratic and social question in the Middle East and Ireland.” Dieter Blumenfeld, international spokesperson of Republican Sinn Féin said.


For confirmation: Dieter Blumenfeld, International PRO Republican Sinn Féin, 0043 664 556 18 68,

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Republican Sinn Féin
International Relations Bureau

Sinn Féin Poblachtach Roinn Gnóthaí Idirnáisiúnta

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