Send a Letter for Freedom; Express Compassion for Dr. Hamoodi (Heinz Leitner)

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Send a Letter for Freedom; Express Compassion for Dr. Hamoodi

Dr. Shakir Hamoodi is doing a three-year sentence, plus three years probation for the so-called crime of sending money to Iraqi people in need during the sanctions regime. Learn more about him and his case at

After the initial raid on his Columbus, Missouri home, Dr. Hamoodi stood before a federal judge and pled guilty to sending money to his family and the families of friends in a technical violation of the US Sanctions against Iraq. The US Sanctions against Iraq were lifted in 2003 after causing the deaths of more than a million Iraqi people. He refused to stand idly while his family and friends starved to death.

We ask you to write asking to commute Dr. Hamoodi’s sentence to time served.

Sample letter:
Your Name
City, State, Zip
Phone Number

Dear President Obama,

I am writing to request your help in commuting the sentence of Dr. Shakir Hamoodi to time served. Dr. Hamoodi is currently at the Federal Prison Camp in Leavenworth, KS, and his inmate number is 21901-045. His formal, extensive application for commutation was sent to your Office of Pardons on August 28, 2012, and he has not yet received a response.

I am encouraged by the review of sentencing practices recently announced by Attorney General Eric Holder. Dr. Hamoodi is an older prisoner, and a non-violent offender. Thus he falls within two of the categories emphasized in the Attorney General’s report.

Furthermore, Dr. Hamoodi’s actions represent what I believe to be only a technical violation of the law. He sent money to his poor and sick family members and a few other very poor individuals in Iraq during the sanctions imposed on Iraq from 1990-2003. His actions showed that he carries the highest level of moral, ethical, and humanitarian character. In fact, it is because of his character that he maintained his ties of kinship and helped the poor, sick, and starving people in his home country.

There is a continuing series of articles in our leading newspapers, especially the Columbia Tribune that provided evidence of the high regard for Shakir Hamoodi. These articles and letters by highly regarded members of the Columbia community attest to Dr. Hamoodi’s continuing support.

Addressing the sentencing problem of Dr. Shakir Hamoodi in a compassionate manner will serve his interests and those of his family. Equally important, it will serve the public policy interests of our community and nation.

Sincerely yours,

Your Name

Please Mail to:
Ms. Kathryn Ruemmler
White House Counsel to the President
1600 Pennsylvania Ave, N.W
Washington, DC. 20500

In addition, please mail this letter to your Senators and Representatives. You can find their addresses at this website:

Thank you for your help and efforts.