The UK government is trying to intimidate and shut down the Guardian’s investigation into the NSA scandal (Heinz Leitner)

The UKgovernment is trying to intimidate and shut down the Guardian’s investigation into the NSA scandal. It has arrested and detained the partner of Glenn Greenwald, the journalist publishing Edward Snowden’s explosive documents on spying by the NSA and GCHQ. The UK government sent government agents to the offices of the Guardian to destroy its computers, and today we learned that the UK prime minister, David Cameron, ordered a top aide to threaten the newspaper that it faced „serious consequences“ if it continued reporting.

For this to be happening in the UK is chilling. We need to show the Guardian, its journalists, and editor that they have public support for their vital work in revealing the true extent of mass spying programmes. But by showing our solidarity with the Guardian, the UK government and its intelligence agencies will hear our voices loud and clear — we will not allow our basic rights and freedoms to be curtailed.

Can you join me in taking a few seconds to sign our open letter of support for The Guardian newspaper and its journalists?
Thank you
