Tucson / Arizona (AfGJ): Stop the Deportations! Take Action! Live Streaming as Activists Block Operations Streamline!

Right now in Tucson immigrant rights supporters are shutting down Operation Streamline, the federal kangaroo court that rapidly processes undocumented workers in a show trial and condemns them to private, for-profit jails, followed by deportations. Operation Streamline criminalizes people who provide vital services to our communities, working important jobs for low wages and with their human and labor rights constantly under attack. It divides familes and breaks homes. We must demand legaliztion for all, an end to Operation Streamline and an end to border militarization and criminalization. *The Alliance for Global Justice is proud to announce that our own National Co-Coordinator, Chuck Kaufman, is among those participating in this action.* Chuck and others have locked themselves to an Operation Streamline bus transporting undocumented persons. They have shut down Operation Streamline! (8.10.2013)