US Außenminister Kerry bekommt Post von der Free Mumia Bewegung in México (Free Mumia-Berlin)


 hier ein weiterer Bericht aus Mexico City. Dort gelang es Unterstützer*innen von Mumia Abu-Jamal vor wenigen Tagen, mit einem Transparent und einem Protestbrief an US Außenminister John Kerry heranzutreten, der in einem weitesgehend geheim gehaltenen Programm Mexiko besuchte. In dem Brief, den er an Obama zu übergeben gebeten wurde, forderten sie die sofortige Freilassung von Mumia.

 Im Anhang seht ihr ein Foto von der Aktion. Die mexikanischen Unterstützer*innen merken an, dass offizielle US Vertreter*innen bei Reisen eigentlich überall auf der Welt an Mumia und Gefangene in den USA erinnert werden sollten…

 Weitere Details im unteren Bericht.

  Mit solidarischen Grüßen

 Free Mumia Berlin

Free Mumia – Free Them All

——– Original-Nachricht ——–

Betreff: Kerry in México

Datum: Thu, 22 May 2014 12:23:56 -0500

 Hello again all,

 Well, back to John Kerry’s visit to Mexico –as I’ve mentioned before, we don’t think US government officials should be able to visit any city in the world without hearing about Mumia and other U.S. political prisoners. When they come here, we often don’t know if they see us or hear us, but this time they definitely did.

 As usual, John Kerry’s agenda was kept secret until the last minute, but we found out he was going to be in the Mexico City Zócalo and were able to deliver a letter to him demanding that the Obama government push for Mumia’s release. Before he got there, we’d tried to give it to a lady who seemed to be in charge of things, but she refused to receive it.

 When he arrived, however, he saw our banner that we’d unfurled in the middle of a small crowd of onlookers (who’d all been given tiny American flags to wave) and also saw the letter  two of our people were waving at him. He told the lady to accept it, and she did.

 Education was supposedly the major issue of Kerry’s talks with government officials and businessmen this time, but security is always on the agenda. So we concentrated on that in an article we published on several independent media sites, „Five Questions for John Kerry“, concentrating on the security-related issues none of these officials ever address: mass incarceration, ICE detention centers, Guantánamo, solitary confinement and political prisoners.

 Bit by bit….